Instructions for authors and reviewers |
Contributions to the European Journal of Geography should be grounded in the relevant literature of the specialization they represent as well as make an important contribution to geographic knowledge and/or have a European focus and interest. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically (All authors must register before login in) in MicroSoft Word Format (.DOC). Manuscripts and filenames should be written using the english keyboard letters and numbers only. If file size exceeds 20MB, we recommend sending it in compressed format (.ZIP or .RAR). Authors might be asked to send additional material as separate files (GIF, MPEG, JPEG, etc).
Authors are strongly advised to consider citing relevant to their work papers published in the European Journal of Geography (year 2014 and later) in order to increase its CiteScore and Impact Factor (IF). Citations are a well-established measure of research impact. To a relatively new scientific journal like ours this is of major importance and will eventually have added value for both the recognition and validation of their research by others.
After the successful submission of a manuscript authors receive an automated confirmation e-mail. Authors are allowed to a maximum of two (2) simultanusly submitted and reviewed manuscripts. For additional guidance on any matters not specifically addressed in the below listed instructions and examples, authors should refer to our sample manuscript or consult the journal's secretary (
Articles submitted to the journal are subject to the following review procedure: Review by the editorial panel in terms of general suitability for the journal. Selected articles are then subject to a double blind review process. Reviewed articles are accepted, revised or rejected on the basis of the recommendations of reviewers. Revised articles are reviewed both by the editor and the original reviewers.
According to current statistics of our records it takes an average of four to six months for the reviewers and editors to submit their comments with respect to the acceptance of papers. We consider this period quite normal for scientific journals of our impact and in our scientific field. Author(s) can always check the status of your paper by following the Track your paper(s) link (Sign In required).
In accordance with copyright law, the manuscript must be previously unpublished and not duplicate substantial portions of previously published material. Permission to reproduce copyright material must be obtained by the authors before submission and any acknowledgments should be included in the submission. Acknowledgment of source and copyright should be given in cases where photographs, data and media are reproduced.
All authors are responsible for the originality of the data presented for publication. As part of the journal's standard plagiarism policy and control mechanism an overlap percentage with already published papers will be defined. In order for a paper to be further processed the above percentage should be kept well below the 15% level.
The editorial policy is the responsibility of the Editorial Board, but the authors’ opinions should be regarded as their own.
Manuscripts should be written in good English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these). Non-native English speakers are strongly advised to have their manuscripts critiqued by an English speaker prior to submission. Authors of papers that don’t meet the above requirements will be asked to undergo professional editing and proofreading services in order to conform to correct scientific English.
Please prepare you manuscript using the English keyboard layout instead of your native one in order to avoid encoding problems due to the presence of accented Latin or non-Latin characters.
For full length articles, the manuscript word count must be between 5000 - 7500 words. This includes tables, illustrations, references, etc. Manuscripts of less than 5000 words will be automatically deleted without further notice. The authors should format their manuscript as follows:
The title should be a maximum of twenty five (25) words.
Author(s) and Author(s) affiliation:
The following format is required for author name(s): first name, extra initials and last name. Next line, affiliation (University, Department, City, Country) and last line, email address
University of Athens, Department of Geography, Athens, Greece
All correspondence will be addressed to the first named author, unless otherwise instructed.
Contributions should be preceded by an abstract of 150 - 250 words. The abstract should summarise the whole article and must clearly refer to the paper's objective, approach, methods, results and conclusions.
The authors should provide three to six keywords expressing the nature of the article.
Text Format and Style:
Text must be justified in a 11-point Helvetica font with 2.54 cm (1 inch) margins.
All parts of the manuscript (abstract, text, references, tables, and figure captions) must be single-spaced and paginated.
Papers may be submitted in either UK or US English provided usage is consistent.
Abbreviations can be used within the text according to internationally accepted conventions.
Notations should conform to international usage.
Notes and Footnotes should not be used as these are difficult to read and navigate.
It is assumed that the authors have kept an exact copy of the article submitted.
A maximum of three level headings are allowed as following:
First-level headings are flush left on a separate line. The first text line following is flush left(space should be left before and after the title as shown).
1.1. Second Level Heading.
Second-level headings are flush left on a separate line. The first text line following is flush left (space should be left before the title as shown).
1.1.1. Third Level Heading.
Third-level headings are flush left. The text follows on the same line (space should be left before the title as shown).
For each heading, the authors should elaborate the content (text) and add other types of information supporting the text (e.g., pictures, video, etc.).
They should also provide a list of headings which will help to build hyperlinks to the specific subsections of your article.
References should adopt the APA style:
Anderson, B. (1983). Imagined communities: Reflections on the origins and spread of nationalism. Verso.
Edited Books:
Belsey, C. (2006). Poststructuralism. In S. Malpas & P. Wake (Eds.), The Routledge companion to critical theory (pp. 51–61). Routledge.
Grady, J. S., Her, M., Moreno, G., Perez, C., & Yelinek, J. (2019). Emotions in storybooks: A comparison of storybooks that represent ethnic and racial groups in the United States. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(3), 207–217.
Newspapers etc:
James, C. (2001). Olympic Games: Greece vs England. Athens News, 25 August A12.
List acknowledgements at the end of your article (before the references).
Figure and table captions:
All figures and tables must be numbered sequentially, captioned with explanatory descriptions and (pre)referenced in the text. .
Tables must be numbered consecutively and titled at the top. All table columns should have explanatory headings. Tables should not repeat data that are available elsewhere in the paper (e.g. in graphs).
All maps, diagrams and photographs should be designated as Figures and must be of professional quality.
Non-textual data-types in your contribution:
Other kinds of information to support the text can be submitted (e.g. pictures, video files etc.). They must be sent as separate files, attached to the submission of the article. Consider using well established data formats such as:
• Pictures: PNG, BMP or JPEG
• Video: MPEG
• Applications: EXE, or specific format
Author(s) must be sure that the “reader” of their article possesses the necessary drivers to look or run uncommon data-types. When the driver is uncommon, they should give indications where “readers” can download drivers or viewers. They should put this information [between brackets]; e.g., FTP-sites, an URL, e-mail addresses to contact suppliers, etc. We would like to inform you that due to the large number of submitted manuscripts
Whenever they refer to other types of information that they provide as an additional file, they should put this information between brackets.