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Editorial - EJG - Vol.11 Issue. 4 2020

Kostis C. Koutsopoulos Downloads: 1260

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Published: 2020/12/16 DOI:

Open Access

Keywords: editorial, ICHGS-2019


When I first started the publishing of the European Journal of Geography (EJG), more than a decade ago, it was decided to be published in accordance with the goal of the European Ministers of Education, under the Bologna Process and Lisbon Agenda, to make European higher education a worldwide reference and standard. That is, EJG as the publishing arm of the European Association of Geographers-EUROGEO had as a fundamental goal to fulfil EUROGEO’s goals related to:
- Communicate Geographic information to the widest possible audience.
- Continue validating the quality of Geographic research, which is the isthmus test of all journals.
- Build a valid collective Geographic knowledge base.
- Promote the work of the Geographic community In addition, however, as chief editor of our journal, I was determined to achieve a series of objectives, who has been successful, such as:
- Provide a forum for geographers worldwide to communicate on all aspects of research and applications of geography.
- Promote the significance of geography as a discipline and contribute towards improving the quality of research, learning and teaching of Geography.
- Work diligently towards producing more, with better quality papers, in all geographic subjects
- Create the conditions to be accepted by the Content Selection and Advisory Board (CSAB) and be included in SCOPUS the leading world citation database.
- Achieve and continuously increase its impact factor, which is taking place by the constant increase of EJG’s papers referencing, by all who believe and value European Geography.
- Improve the digital transformation of publishing Geographic research, teaching and spatial problem solving by created a journal environment that includes digitization (everything to be in a digital form), digitalization (every process to be computerized) and digital effects (the publishing results to be on line available to anyone, anywhere and for any purpose).
- Provide distribution mechanism for the work accomplished during the EUROGEO conferences, by publishing special issues that included selected papers (following the EJG normal evaluation process) presented at these conferences. The issue you are browsing at this minute (Vol.11, No.4) represents the last milestone that has been achieved in our Journal, namely: to provide a forum and an incentive for National Geographic Associations to communicate on all aspects of research and applications of geography related to local conditions. This is a special issue that includes selected papers (following the EJG normal evaluation process) presented at National Geographic conferences, which in this case was the Hellenic Geographic Society

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Volume 13, No 5, 2022
Last edit commited: Wednesday, 16 September 2020 12:56